What’s gonna be is gonna be
What goes up must come down
What’s gonna be is gonna be
There’s nothing you can do about it…
This old tune just popped into my mind and for the first time since I’ve been hearing it, I saw something wrong with these lyrics. Truth is: what’s gonna be is gonna be only if you let it be. Hmmm... pregnant statement if you ask me.
The submission that what’s gonna be is gonna be, there’s nothing you can do about it is fallacious in all its ramifications because it tactically abdicated the responsilbilty placed on our shoulders as the ultimate determinant of our predicament to some unknown forces. Don’t be deceived friend, if it must be then it is up to you. You are so powerful that what you allow comes to bear and what you disallow cannot come to fruition, the sad thing however is that we seem to have lost consciousness of the latent power resident within us such that we live our life to chances. Listen to me life is not governed by chance it is ruled by choice, there is no such thing as luck in the school of success (if there is anything called luck I believe it is more like preparation plus opportunity that we so call for want of appropriate nomenclature) hence the concept of luck as something that falls on one’s lap without his input is alien to the principle upon which the world operates. The gospel that God has pre-ordained everything that must happen to happen even without any human participation is very far from the truth because the dynamics of the workings of God dictates that nothing is to be forced on man else he is no longer a human being but a robot. You are not just some inanimate object tossed here and there by every wind of circumstance, that you have a will is indicative of the fact that you are not just to assume a sit-down-look-posture accepting whatever life tosses at you as your fate, you can choose to either accept or reject whatever it is - every operation requires your cooperation.
Arise mate, stop been docile in the game of life, get active and begin to influence things with your willpower as life does not respond to those who go through it hands akimbo expecting to wake up one day to find things taking shape on their own accord. Shape it for it to take shape, keep at the back of your mind that what will be will be if you let it be… and if you don’t want it to be, stand your ground and turn the tide in your favour.
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